Why having a backlog of content is your BEST portfolio

Riza's tips for when you're feeling discouraged about your content

This community prides itself off the ability to not just encourage people to pursue their art but also in its ability to showcase creators just like you to a bigger, wider platform.

Cause let's be honest, this isn't just about me -

it's about all of y'all that have the courage to go out there and follow your dreams.

And if you haven't submitted your works through Discord yet, this is your sign to start. Cause every other week, we'll be putting out a newsletter SPECIFICALLY for our creator highlight.

That's right - an entire newsletter dedicated to you, your story and your art every other week.

And that's not all!

I'll now be highlighting creators on my personal page AND the new, official @APCC Instagram! So if you aren't following that page yet, go ahead and do so for all APCC news, highlights and more.

LINKING UP WITH @LIFEOFRIZA 🤝 I linked up with one of my favorite creators, @lifeofriza, to talk about what she's learned in her content creation journey.

She tells me all about how the momentum of her rise on social media was fueled by the backlog she accumulated from making content consistently in the past, even when she wasn't hitting the milestone of views she had hoped for.

The videos sat dormant, maintaining a solid plateau of views before one eventually got discovered and the domino effect happened.

PART TWO 🎙️ Part two of my car chat with @lifeofriza where we talk about making what you want to see vs making what the audience wants to see.

When you do the things that you're actually interested in doing and make the things you truly want to make, everything you're searching for will follow. The views aren't truly an indication of your talent, or your skill level, but rather your consistency will provide the backlog that will keep people interested in knowing more about you.

Create things consistently that fulfill you rather than creating something to fill your place in the algorithm.

BEHIND THE SCENES 🎥 Here's what y'all DON'T see behind the reality of filmmaking! Always make sure you're pressing record before setting up your shot and double check that your mics and audio are plugged into your camera. These are the recording horror stories we hate to see but it happens to the best of us.

Everyone says consistency is key; but we all know how hard it is to be consistent when we feel like our output isn't getting anywhere and naturally, our desire for validation might sting our ego (even if we never outwardly say it) when we can't break a certain milestone.

This week's tip isn't going to be something of practicality but rather something you can refer back to mentally when you feel discouraged in the process of being a creator.

Everything comes in time: just keep putting out what you want and when the timing is right, that stockpile backlogged art will already be prepared for your new, interested viewers.

Have a question about cameras/editing/technical skills? Ask Adrian here! Your question may be featured and answered in depth on the following week’s newsletter.